Re-order paragraphs这类题型是PTE阅读考试的重中之重,占的分值也是相当高的,所以大家务必要重视,尽量把它做对。而且从评分的角度来说,Re-order paragraphs只有相邻的两个对了才得一分。例如,一共四个段落,满分3分。如果第2个和第3个顺序颠倒了,那这道题就一分不得。
1. 词汇语法欠缺,看不懂文章
2. 逻辑理解失误或麻痹大意,没能把握文章全局
3. 阅读速度太慢,重读回读太频繁
1. 找到主题,才能找到方向
2. 找连接词
3. 找指代词和同意替换
4. 逻辑语序
A: When this bank was founded in 1695, Scots coinage was in short supply and of uncertain value, compared with English, Dutch, Flemish or French coin.
B: In most countries it is only the government, through their central banks, who are permitted to issue currency.
C: To face growth of trade it was deemed necessary to remedy this lack of an adequate currency.
D: But in Scotland three banks are still allowed to issue banknotes.
E: The first Scottish bank to do this was the Bank of Scotland.
1. In most countries it is only the government, through their central banks, who are permitted to issue currency.
This is the first sentence because it provides background information that makes the rest of the information in the passage stand out as significant.
2. But in Scotland three banks are still allowed to issue banknotes.
This is the second sentence because it introduces the subject of the passage. However, it is not the first sentence because “But” and “still allowed” signal that this sentence is referring to a restriction described in a previous sentence.
3. The first Scottish bank to do this was the Bank of Scotland.
This is the third sentence because it gives an example of one of the three banks in Scotland mentioned in the sentence before. Also the phrase “to do this” refers to the phrase, “to issue banknotes” in the sentence before.
4. When this bank was founded in 1695, Scots coinage was in short supply and of uncertain value, compared with English, Dutch, Flemish or French coin.
This is the fourth sentence because “this bank” refers to “the Back of Scotland” mentioned in the third sentence.