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如何高效回答Retell Lecture(一)


大家都知道PTE口语部分是考试的重中之重,也为其他三个部分贡献了不少分数。而Retell Lecture是口语中的关键题型,想要拿高分的同学务必要在考试中做好RL。

Retell Lecture听力的时间是大概60s到90s,听力播放完以后会有10s的时间整理笔记,然后有40s的时间说。

如何高效回答Retell Lecture(一)


Computer scientist Shreta Chalen (人名) and his team are developing new sensing systems.

“Initial focus was really around energy and water monitoring. ”

They built a new generation of smart sensors that monitor electronic interference on a home’s power line or water pressure changes in the plumbing. Most of these technologies has already found industrial applications. And for Chalen’s team, turn their attention is about adapting the technology for personal health monitoring.

“So how do we take this noise and make it into a signal of interest? …Was kinda… kinda the core of what we did for many years. And we are taking that work and applying it into other domains.”

They are looking to take advantage of all the functionality built into our smartphones. With the users’ permission, this app can use a microphone, built into most smartphones, to listen to background noises. (coughing) Such as coughing, searching for patterns that suggest that a trip to the doctor might be in order.

“With constructive models, we are trying to understand how sound works, how it… what its patterns are. We give a whole bunch of examples of different kinds of audios, things like, uh, people talking, people laughing, sneezing and of course, coughing.”

This app uses a phone’s camera to check HU levels in blood, by analyzing the colors of capillary fluids through the skin.

“Generally, what happens is that phronimids might be a little less red and we took advantage of that, by say, putting your finger over a camera of the phone, the camera of the phone can actually see the coloration of the blood.”

And this test uses the camera to tell parents worried about jaundice in new born infants.

“Now, jaundice is something that doctors, who have seen tons of babies have, they just just can’t figure out at a very basic level of, is this baby… do they need to get treatments or they are in a good condition. Well, the first-time parents have no idea what the jaundice might necessarily look like. ”

  The researchers say the built-in sensors found in smart phones are already commonplace, but the applications and their implications for our health and well-being may be more far reaching than we ever imagined.

如何高效回答Retell Lecture(一)


New sensing systems 新的感官系统

Plumbing 管道

Adapt sth for sth. 使适应

Health monitoring 健康监测

Domains 领域

Take advantage of 利用

Functionality 功能

Coloration 染色,着色

Figure out 发现,理解

Jaundice 黄疸

Commonplace 老生常谈

Retell lecture要点:

1. 过去的sensor用途:

Initially, the smart sensors were used to track water pressure or power line.

Its industrial applications have already been developed.

2. 描述现在sensor的用途:

Now, the sensor is used for personal health monitoring.

For example, the microphone….

The camera….

3. 描述App可以帮助新生儿父母:

In addition, the new technology can help first-time parents determine jaundice in new born infants, which the doctors can’t figure out.

4. 结论:

The application and implication of this technology may be far reaching than our imanigation.

以上就是小编为大家整理的关于PTE口语考试Retell Lecture要点及机经分析,希望对大家有所帮助。

如何高效回答Retell Lecture(一)



